Goodbye Blogspot, Hello Hugo

Goodbye (any) traditional blogging system

I used Wordpress for like 8 years, wrote some plugins myself (some that I already published), eventually got tired of managing my own hosting, and switched to Then want 15 dollar a year just for custom domain feature, and I switched to Blogspot. I happily used Blogspot for a while, but even so, the experience is not that great. Some example:

  • Bloated: there are so many features I don’t use, and the feature I use, I have to code it in manually.
  • Editor: I hate the WYSIWYG editor, it’s bloated (again) with the non-standard tag, bbcode. It’s easy to break with my horrible Internet. And it doesn’t behave the way I want it to. I wanted to use Markdown, but write in Markdown, then convert to HTML and copy to the WYSIWYG editor, it’s not a pleasant way.
  • Ugly Themes: It seems that no one want to use a minialist theme with Blogspot (or even Wordpress). I’m happy to remove away most features for a minimalistic approach, but to no avail. Every minimal templates/themes want to retain the most core-feature (which is not a bad thing). I’m a horrible designer, I know very little about CSS, so in the end, it’s still a problem I had to deal with.
  • Bloated website: The website bundle with a lot of useless things: some stupid Google’s javascript that I don’t bother to read, Google+ js, some other Google’s one, then some Google+, a lot of default Blogspot CSS, jQuery, api.js, source code highlighting script…Every features I added, I had to add some javascript/library too.
  • Always online: I used some offline clients, but the trust is: you will never know how your post display until you submit the post. Only to find some problem, and have to fire up the online editor. And the downtime, every person in the world tells me Google’s uptime is the best, but I occasionally find some problem with the editor, or the admin interface.

I can make myself a static website, I even had one before I use Wordpress (with a lot of marquee). I don’t write much anyway, but again I’m a horrible designer, the website would be ugly.

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Stripe-CTF Level 1 with Golang

This year’s Stripe-CTF brings some interesting things to the table: Cryptocurrency. I’ve already known about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin in general, but it’s amazing how Bitcoin relates to Git.

The level is here:

Basically, like Bitcoin, you have to find a block, in this case is a git commit. The commit must have its hash lower than the target difficulty, specified in the file difficulty.txt. You will compete against a bot, and you have to find and submit a block/commit before it does.

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